The Full Story

1ST-4TH APRIL 2024

Our club module has always been encouraging fun, friendships and community first, who knew that would lead to such strong results.
Huge success at this years Qld State Championships- %90 of our junior players are under the age of 13, SEQ had the highest participation and the best results across the state in the under 11 + 13 divisions - We Focus heavily on local development of kids and we are super proud of our players for dominating their respective divisions. Congrats
The results were great - but not most important , Our club was most pleased with the way our players conducted themselves throughout this event - their smiles and attitude were always on display and we were really proud of their sportsmanship on and off the court. Most players competing started with our club as a complete beginner , within such a short period of time they are on the biggest stage challenging them selves and came home with such strong results - well done .


GOLD- Bethany Wang, Eliya Kan
SILVER- Maryam Deen, Aisha Ihsan , Chloe Wu
Amazing result for these girls- To be honest, I cant say we trained much, these girls spent more time building cubby houses and doing handstands then we played table tennis , For all girls this is their very first time entering a state championships and have only played for such a short time - we had so much fun watching them develop and they bring so much life to the club, not to mention the parents always bringing food , to be honest we added a few extra sessions around dinner time during the week to score some left over delicious food and some how that lead to alot of medals (:
No really, huge congrats these girls are super talented and they all have another year and some even 2 years to go in under 11 bracket, they will continue to improve and we are so lucky to have such a great group of girls at SEQ.

Vihan Mahto + Pacer Lu - where do we start with these 2 characters - Both their first state championships and really huge effort.. Vihan aka VEE- HONEY- Got to be the most talented kid on the planet but we cant get this kid to move his legs , so he swung his team to a bronze with very limited movement - unless he is hungry then he moves fast ... Vihan is a super talent, plays long pimples on the backhand and smooth on the forehand, younger brother of Aarav Mahto. Keep it up Vee- Honey .
Pacer Lu - Clutch match in the final round securing the bronze medal in teams - Pacer still have another 2 years in the under 11 division and is showing some really strong improvement and commitment- keep up the great work.
We must mention Coach Hayden Green for taking care of so many teams during the event - he has a fantastic way with the kids and really made a huge difference in their journey to bronze. (:

Lin Zhu + Angela Yuan - Pocket Rocket duo - These Girls are only 9 years old and really leading the way in QLD setting a high standard for all young girls and boys- Angela Yuan has only recently joined our club from Gold coast, she lives 6 months of the year in QLD and the rest training in Japan , Angela takes her training very seriously and its been an honour to welcome her to Join Lin - we put these 2 girls up to the under 13 division to have tougher competition and preparation for the upcoming National Tournament -
They finished undefeated in the teams - maybe we should of put them in the under 17 division (: Absolute Champions

GOLD- Boris Zhang, Jaden Cao
BRONZE- Brayden Kan, Ian Cao
Jaden + Ian we remember from day 1 - these 2 little crazy kids joined a come and try free day and was hooked on table tennis- always makes me happy to see them improving and enjoying their journey in the sport - they both had really good moments during this tournament - they are doing a great job and are super popular amongst the player group. Well done Boys .
Boris Zhang is one mentally tough opponent - Comes up extremely clutch when it matters most and always delivers a solid effort- We must add his Dad Kratos to this team- he made such a positive impact on Boris and jaden, Always seemed to call the right time out at the perfect time to lift them when they needed it . Congrats
Brayden kan is one of our first long time members along with his family Eliza, Billy and Eliya - huge part of our club and Brayden has shown so much improvement , really putting him self up there with the top under 13 kids in the state- beast mode Brayden showed up this states and made us all very proud- keep up the good work Brayden .

9 Year Old Lin Zhu from Macgregor State school is truly an inspiration - Winning not only the Under 11 Girls title but Also winning the under 13 is a remarkable accomplishment - Lin is such an inspiration to Brisbane Living players to know that it is possible if your willing to put in the hard work - Lin's on court achievement's continue to surprise us all and her manner and sportsmanship is really admirable - Lin takes part in all QLD events, club fixtures, never misses any tournaments, will join anything and everything that she can, she practices with everybody and its great to see what can be achieved with so much dedication - congrats to her Mom + Coach Anna for being side by side every step of the way- so many hours each week, together they are such an amazing team and we are so proud of Lins achievements- Bright future ahead - as she prepares for upcoming national event in July .

Boris Zhang, Mr Clutch always finds a way to victory - super mentally tough player - Boris originally developed his table tennis skills at the Wynumm table tennis association - We were lucky to have him bring his talents over to SEQ, he has assisted strongly in lifting the level of other players at our club and its been great to see Boris further continue his progress - Keep going Boris . Super proud .

Congratulations Skylar - This year we are honoured to present you with this award- Skylar played his first event in the Presidents team this year and has such a fantastic demeanor on and off the court- Skylar regularly competes in the young gun league and always works hard during training - Very polite and well mannered and we we want encourage you all the way to continue your journey- we have made a new bat and rubbers to gift to you to show our appreciation - come and collect your gift- Conrgats

Our club has a real diverse mix of coaches to accommodate all ages and levels - Much Appreciation for our coaches- want to say thank you for your efforts during the lead up to our state run.
Seref Bakany - where do we start with this stud- I am pretty sure that when it comes to developing new junior players with great results , he has his finger prints on most the juniors in all clubs across QLD , - he has brought a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our club and is always accessible to lend a hand wherever needed - a great asset to SEQ-
Coach Anna has really boosted our young female junior roster along side her daughter Lin Zhu leading the way, she has brought a much more disciplinary approach to our program and is continuing to develop local talent at SEQ- thanks for all your hard work preparing our team.
Coach Hayden does it all- fantastic with the younger kids who are new to table tennis and also great at running our state squad sessions - Hayden did such a great job during the states taking care all our kids , Thankyou Hayden .
Thankyou to all Parents that have committed to support the kids throughout , this years state championships was a great experience - thankyou .

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